Rauðhólar Pseudo-Craters Reykjavik (The Red Mounds), are a group of pseudo-craters near Reykjavik, Iceland. These volcanic craters were formed around 5200 years ago during a series of explosive eruptions when molten lava came into contact with water from a nearby lake, causing steam explosions that created the characteristic circular depressions in the ground. The pseudo-craters get their beautiful reddish colours due to iron oxidations. They are gorgeous in the sun, making the vibrant red colours very vivid.
The Rauðhólar pseudo-craters are a unique geological feature protected as a natural monument. Visitors can explore the area on foot along a marked trail that leads through the craters, providing stunning views of the surrounding landscape. The path is approximately 2.5 km long and takes an hour to complete.
In addition to their geological significance, the Rauðhólar pseudo-craters are also an essential habitat for various plant and animal species. The area is home to several rare and endangered plants, as well as a variety of bird species.
Horseback Riding Tours are popular at this location, and the volcanic landscape is an ideal spot for this type of outdoor sport.
The Rauðhólar Pseudo-craters are protected as part of Reykjavík’s nature reserve of Heiðmörk.
Driving from Reykjavik city centre takes approximately 15 minutes. (14 km).
Overall, the Rauðhólar pseudo-craters are a fascinating and beautiful natural attraction that offers visitors a glimpse into Iceland’s unique geology and natural history.

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